
Real Time GPS Trackers
Real Time Trackers can track in real time. By providing access through a web site, a user can simply log into a site using a password to see exactly where the unit is located. Any computer or phone with internet access worldwide can access the device. Since there is no need to download data (reports and locations visible on log in site), there is no need to download software to a computer to read results. Most professional real time trackers provide a more powerful antenna to loggers, thus providing more accurate locates.

* #1 Seller *
The MicroTrak is a giant step above the other similar trackers (Enduro or Spark Nano). This tracker not only provides a more powerful antennae to capture locates in harsh environments,  it also can provide cell ID location when no gps signal is detected & the rechargable battery can last 4x longer between charges. Plus the service plan for this unit is priced way lower than the one offered on the Nano or Enduro.

NEW Micro Tracker III Real Time GPS Tracker - $169.95

gps tracking map 2

The SilverCloud Tag is a pocket-sized live GPS tracker that can be utilized for various personal tracking applications. Its ultra-compact size allows it to be placed inside a vehicle, child’s backpack, briefcase or purse. The SilverCloud Tag is the perfect live tracking solution for parents looking to monitor their teen drivers or children as they travel to and from school.

Silver Cloud Personal Tag GPS Tracker - 219.95
(includes activation fee)

SilverCloud GPS Tag Tracker

The new Tracker CT-201 is the most complete personal GPS tracking device available today. Track speed, location, and direction traveled easily with web site service. Also device can provide alerts by cell phone when device leaves a certain area or when motion is detected.

CT Real Time GPS Tracker CT201 - $265.95


The Omnitrack was specially designed for the Private Investigator & Law Enforcement Agent to support them during covert surveillance. The powerful compact can track up to 10 days on a single  charge. Price includes activation fee and 1 full year of service.

Omnitrack Real Time Tracker (price includes activation fee & 1 year of service) - $399.95

Omnitrack GPS Tracker

New and Improved GPSSTPro tracker is completely self contained with a more powerful internal antennae and added features. Just place the GPSSTPro in the vehicle you wish to track, go to the website from any internet capable computer and a detailed map with tracking information appears showing you time, speed of vehicle, street address and last stop.

Gps Real Time Trim Tracker Pro -$279.95

trim track gps spy tracker

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